Experts and AI Bots
Trading Made Easy
Invest directly in global AI bots and professional Traders to earn up to 1% a day.
With Alttudex
Copytrading is child's play
Start in 5 minutes
- Create an account
- Deposit money on Alttudex
- Choose an AI bot or expert
With Alttudex
Copytrading is child's play
Start in 5 minutes
- Create an account
- Deposit money on Alttudex
- Choose an AI bot or expert
Organized with
your own dashboard
Discover the simplest Copy-Trading platform in the world
At Alttudex, we share success with our users. We take 20% of the profits from successful trades. If you don't make a profit, you pay nothing.
Why Alttudex?
Profit-based fee only
We earn when you earn. Our fee is 20% of the profit. We also charge no fees for deposits and withdrawals.
AI Bots/Experts
We offer global experts and AI bots to trade with your money.
Deposits and
24/7 instant deposits and withdrawals without fees. Always access your money.